• Question: what makes us human

    Asked by anon-215221 to Laura, Kathryn, Ian, Chris, Bogdana, Alex on 14 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Ian Cookson

      Ian Cookson answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      GREAT question. I think the ability to think beyond our basic needs.

    • Photo: Bogdana Huma

      Bogdana Huma answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      I think it’s our sophisticated system of communication which has enabled us to cooperate with each other. It has allowed us to evolve from living in small groups/tribes to developing the modern (highly complex) societies we have today.

    • Photo: Alex Lloyd

      Alex Lloyd answered on 17 Jun 2019: last edited 17 Jun 2019 6:25 pm

      I think it is our ability for rational and considered though that makes us different to any other species. This has given us the tools to be able to make huge advancements in the way that we live, such as cultivating land to grow crops and domesticating animals so that we have long term sources of food. This comfort then gave us the time to develop other capabilities such as art and literature!

    • Photo: Laura Fisk

      Laura Fisk answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      I think all kinds of things make us human – I like each of the things psychologista have said already! I dont know if we should or can pick one thing – it’s likely to be the Gestalt (“the sum is greater than the sum of its parts), ie we’re human because of all the things we can do, and the things that other species can’t

    • Photo: Chris Fullwood

      Chris Fullwood answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      opposable thumbs, imagination and cooking
