• Question: Do you spend money or save money?

    Asked by anon-215364 to Laura, Kathryn, Ian, Chris, Bogdana, Alex on 10 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Chris Fullwood

      Chris Fullwood answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      Historically I’ve always been more of a saver because I was a poor student for a very long time, but I’ve got better at treating myself in more recent years now that I earn a salary 🙂

    • Photo: Ian Cookson

      Ian Cookson answered on 10 Jun 2019:


    • Photo: Kathryn Atherton

      Kathryn Atherton answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      Both! I save money for things that I care about in my future – like a deposit to buy a home, a wedding and a rainy day fund – and I spend money to enrich my present.

    • Photo: Laura Fisk

      Laura Fisk answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I do both! I’m lucky that I haven’t had too many things to pay for and been employed full time since leaving uni – so that means I had a lot of opportunity to spend a bit and save a bit more.
      I think it’s always good to do both if you can – but there are loads of different things that influence people’s money habits, some of them easy to change and some of them less so. If you can work out the things that influence your attitude to money, you stand a better chance of changing them (if you need to). Money feels like quite a fundamental thing – not having enough means you don’t get to do so many things and this can cause resentment, fear, etc; having a lot can mean you might not value it in the same way and perhaps not learn skills managing it (and so might end up running out). If we can understand where we (and our loved ones) are ‘coming from’ in terms of money, we can have a chance of being compassionate towards the problems peole can face in relation to money – and then help them fix it (if needs be) 🙂

    • Photo: Bogdana Huma

      Bogdana Huma answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      When I was younger (in high school), I used to be bit of a spender, especially when it came to clothes and accessories. I liked the whole experience of going to the mall with my best friend, shopping, trying out new clothes… All this started to change when I got a job and started earning money. Over time, buying new clothes each week didn’t make sense anymore. I still enjoy going to the mall with my friends though, but now it’s more for window shopping.

    • Photo: Alex Lloyd

      Alex Lloyd answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      I used to be a real saver, but more recently I’ve realised you need to enjoy life and so I have tended to spend a bit more on exciting activities! I still make sure I save a bit of money in case of a rainy day though.
