• Question: what's your favourite book????????????????????!

    Asked by anon-215925 to Laura on 14 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Laura Fisk

      Laura Fisk answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      Oh gosh, there are soooo many that I like. Often, my favourite book is the one I’ve just finished reading! Fiction wise, this means a book called “Queenie” about a young black woman in London navigating all kinds of social stresses – and has a bit of mental health and therapy thrown in.
      But for psychology non-fiction, I have so many go-to books:
      ① “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman: got to read this one – it’s a bit dense, but it explains so much about how we think and it’s based on proper research (his colleague won the Nobel prize)
      ② “Opening Skinner’s Box” by Lauren Slater: this is the book that got me into psychology, properly – it’s a description of load of signficant (famous) psychology experiments that are told through story form so really interesting
      ③ “Attachment in COmmon Sense and Doodles” by Miriam Silver: If you want to know about how people work, this is amazing. Plus it’s got diagrams (pictures) – yes, please
      ④ “The Skeleton in the Cupboard” by Tanya Byron: so possibly not my favourite book, but Tanya is a Clinical Psychologist and this book tells stories of the people she’s worked with – rather interesting if you’re interested in psychology
      ⑤ “The Divided Self” by RD Laing: SO maaaaybe I’ve not actually read this, but it’s had a big impact on me as a psychologist – all about diagnosis and psychiatry
      Is that kind of answer like what you had in mind? Let me know 🙂 What’s your favourite?
